Deutsche Boerse AG Coverage Initiated by Analysts at JPMorgan Chase (DB1)

JPMorgan Chase began coverage on shares of Deutsche Boerse AG (ETR: DB1) in a report released on Tuesday, AnalystRatings.Net reports. The firm issued a neutral rating and a €50.00 ($64.94) price objective on the stock.

Shares of Deutsche Boerse AG (ETR: DB1) traded down 0.46% during mid-day trading on Tuesday, hitting €48.501. Deutsche Boerse AG has a one year low of €36.90 and a one year high of €52.20. The stock’s 50-day moving average is currently €43.8.

Several other analysts have also recently commented on the stock. Analysts at AlphaValue reiterated an add rating on shares of Deutsche Boerse AG in a research note to investors on Thursday, May 23rd. They now have a €55.10 ($71.56) price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Equinet Institutional Services reiterated a hold rating on shares of Deutsche Boerse AG in a research note to investors on Thursday, May 16th. They now have a €48.00 ($62.34) price target on the stock. Finally, analysts at Main First Bank AG reiterated an underperform rating on shares of Deutsche Boerse AG in a research note to investors on Thursday, May 2nd. They now have a €47.00 ($61.04) price target on the stock.

Two investment analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, seven have assigned a hold rating and five have issued a buy rating to the company. Deutsche Boerse AG presently has an average rating of Hold and an average target price of €51.80 ($67.27).

Deutsche Boerse AG is a Germany-based international financial marketplace operator. It operates four business segments: Xetra; Eurex; Clearstream, and Market Data & Analytics.